Monday 26 December 2011

Malaysia - Muslims march with severed Cow Head to threaten against opening a Temple

Islam is the Religion of Peace.

In Malaysia, Hindus were threatened against opening a temple by taking a cut / severed head of a Cow. And in India, the masjids are spreading everywhere.

Why Cow ?

Because Cow is sacred to Hindus.

So, the cut / severed head of Cow was spat upon, hit with legs, and left at the gate.

Please spread the word to those Hindus who plan to travel to Malaysia. You are giving business to Hindu murderers.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

NDTV-ICICI loan chicanery saved Roys

This article appeared on the Sunday Gaurdian website. It is edited and run by Mr. M J Akbar.

The article highlights how the financial deeds / mis-deeds of NDTV - which is anti-Hindu / anti-national TV channel, running huge losses, have been ignored not just by banks and RBI, but also by Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
NDTV-ICICI loan chicanery saved Roys

NDTV Limited and associate companies in which Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy have a majority stake have indulged in financial misdemeanours and malpractices in connivance with ICICI Bank, and raised funds by misdeclaration of the value of shares in NDTV. These shares were held by a company called RRPR Holding Private Limited. The deal took place between July and October 2008 during a "buyback" of shares from the stock market announced by NDTV Limited at the price of Rs 439 per share.

Share prices were in a period of boom at the time, and the company expected prices to rise even further. This is why it wanted to buy the shares back. Since the company did not have sufficient liquid funds to finance this purchase of shares, it took a loan from India Bulls Financial Services of Rs 363 crores, pledging 90, 70, 297 NDTV shares. This was in July 2008.

In August 2008, the stock market collapsed on the back of the subprime crisis in USA; the index crashed from about 22,000 to below 10,000. The price of NDTV shares went down from a high of Rs 394 to around Rs 100.

The collateral of the India Bulls loan, therefore, depreciated, compelling India Bulls to recall the loan. NDTV did not have the money to do so. They approached ICICI Bank to lend them money. ICICI gave a loan of Rs 375 crores in October 2008 against the collateral of 47,41,721 shares held by RRPR, at an average price of Rs 439, representing a gross value of Rs 208 cr.

This was the first financial malfeasance, since the worth of the collateral was far less than the amount given. This was further compounded by what can only be described as financial chicanery, since the price of the shares given as collateral was not Rs 439 but was actually Rs 99 in the market, as of 23 October 2008. The gross value of the collateral was only Rs 46.94 crores, or one-eighth of the loan given.

ICICI, a publicly traded company in which the government and its institutions have a substantial stake, therefore accepted a lie purveyed by Prannoy Roy and Radhika Roy, the only two shareholders in RRPR.
It is also important to note that RRPR did not own a single NDTV share before July 2008, authorised and subscribed capital of a mere Rs 1 lakh.

Shockingly, just days after the disbursal of the monies, one of the directors of RRPR Holding [there were only two directors, the husband-wife team of Roys], was granted an interest-free loan of Rs 73.91 crores from the funds that had suddenly come into this inert company through the ICICI loan. The ICICI loan was an open violation of the SARFAESI Act of 2002.

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, who received the necessary intimations of all transactions, gave implicit acquiescence of the transaction by choosing to remain silent. RBI, which had also received this information, also kept quiet.

To put this malfeasance in context, last month CBI arrested eight senior managers of LIC and other banks for a loan scam amounting to Rs 2, 000 crores in multiple transactions. NDTV has been a frequent borrower abroad, and also selling stakes in subsidiaries abroad and repurchasing these shares through various interested parties at prices that have no relationship to actual market values.
For instance, NDTV Imagine [now sold] shares representing a face value of Rs 10, were sold at Rs 776. The benefit of such high premium obtained by these shares has not reached the Indian investors in the company. NDTV shares, on the other hand, are slipping even further, and losses rising. Its business overseas is through subsidiaries, which conduct financial dealings through accommodation addresses; one is 90 High Holborn, London.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Why Shri Ram Janm bhoomi Temple at Ayodhya

I would just like to ask all Hindus just one simple question -"If Muslims are entitled to an Islamic atmosphere in Mecca and if Christians are entitled to a Christian atmosphere in the Vatican why is it wrong for the Hindus to expect a Hindu atmosphere in Ayodhya?"

Would the Muslims ever allow a Hindu temple to built in Mecca? Far from it! They don’t even allow non-Muslims to enter Mecca.

Ayodhya is an ancient city of India and is revered by devout Hindus as the birthplace of Shri Ram.

When the Muslim emperor Babur came down from Ferghana in 1527, he defeated the Hindu King of Chittodgad, Rana Sangrama Singh at Sikri, using cannon and artillery. After this victory, Babur took over the region, leaving his general, Mir Baqi, in charge as viceroy.

Mir Baqi enforced Mughal rule over the population and used terror to maintain control over the civilian population. Mir Baqi came to Ayodhya in 1528 and destroyed the Ram temple over which he built the now demolished Babri Mosque.

During that period many Hindu temples were destroyed by Islamic rulers for both political and religious reasons. The 2007 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica notes that along with Ayodhya, temple structures ancient and holy Hindu places Varanasi and Mathura were also destroyed.

Now the Liberhan Commission backed by the anti-Hindu Congress and Indian English media (NDTV and CNN-IBN) is hell bent on victimizing Hindus and demonizing the cause of re-building a Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.

The situation regarding the Ram Janmabhoomi has been compared to the Temple Mount controversies and claims in Israel by Daniel Pipes.

In particular, Pipes writes:
Ayodhya prompts several thoughts relating to the Temple Mount. It shows that the Temple Mount dispute is far from unique. Muslims have habitually asserted the supremacy of Islam through architecture, building on top of the monuments of other faiths (as in Jerusalem and Ayodha) or appropriating them (e.g. the Ka’ba in Mecca and the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople)

Image - Coronation of Shivaji Maharaj

Shivaji Maharaj Coronation  /  छत्रपति महाराज के राज सभा

Thursday 15 December 2011

Panchtantra in times of UPA - करकट दमनक और जंगल की महारानी

For all Panchtantra fans.

This was written by someone in 2008. Times change, UPA 1 becomes UPA 2. But things remain the same.

करकट दमनक और जंगल की महारानी

जंगल मे महाराज के आकस्मिक निधन हो जाने पर करकट दमनक ने महारानी तो तख्त का वारिस घोषित कर अपनी तिकडी को फ़िट करने की बहुत कोशिश की, पर महारानी ने एक बैल को चुना जो जुगाली करने के अलावा सिर्फ़ सिर हिलाता रहता था, लेकिन फ़िर भी महारानी को करकट दमनक और पिंगलक की सहायता तो लेनी ही पडी.

काफ़ी वक्त गुजर गया, महारानी भी जंगल की राजनीती मे अपनी समझ दिखाने लगी थी, महारानी ने जैसे ही जंगल मे चुनाव कराने की इच्छा जाहिर की, दमनक ने तडाक से जंगल के कर्मचारियो के वेतन बढाने की घोषणा महारानी से करवा दी.

करकट दमनक और पिंगलक पुराने खिलाडी थे, उन्होने तुरंत भाप लिया महारानी अब सीधे सीधे खुद या फ़िर राजकुमार के नाम पर शासन संभालना चाहती है

पिंगल नाम का सुअर जो हमेशा उस जगह अपनी थूथन गडाये फ़िरता था जहा माल मिलने की कोई संभावना हो, महाराज के खजाने की देख रेख के नाम पर हरएक से कुछ ना कुछ निकलवाने मे उस्ताद था, उसी ने ने महाराज के चुनाव आदेश के नाम पर मोटा माल वसूल कर आधा अपने घर भेजा आधा महाराज के पास जमा करा दिया था

जंगल मे व्यापारियो ने पिंगल को दिये पैसे तुरंत पूरे करने के लिये माल की कमी दिखा कर रेट दुगने चौगुने वसूल करने शुरू कर दिये.

जनता त्राही त्राही करने लगी, बात महारानी तक पहुची, महारानी ने मिटिंग बुलाई, दमनक ने महारानी को पक्का यकीन दिला दिया की महंगाई कही नही बढी है केवल जंगल मे ये कुछ विरोधी पार्टी के लाला लोग माल दबाकर मोटा माल कमाने की फ़िराक मे है अगर आपकी आज्ञा हो तो सेनापती को बुला कर माल जब्त करा देते है. जनता को भी लगेगा कि हमने कुछ किया और विरोधी पार्टी के कुछ बंदे भी अपने कब्जे मे आ जायेगे

बाकी सारी जनता आपके ही गुण गा रही है, पर राजकुमार के लिये वक्त ठीक नही चल रहा राजपुरोहित का कहना है कि उन्हे एक सौ एक दलितो के घर जाकर मांग कर खाना चाहिये इस टोटके के बाद राजकुमार के राजयोग मे कोई परेशानी नही आयेगी, एक पंथ दो काज हो जायेगे, राजकुमार को जनता के बीच भेज कर दिखवा लीजीये,

महारानी को बात जमी, और राजकुमार जनता के बीच हाथो हाथ लिये गये. राजकुमार किसी भी दलित के घर जाकर अपने आदमियो से खाना बनवाकर जनता के साथ बैठ्कर खाते और अपना बिस्तर किसी के भी घर मे बिछवा कर रातगुजार लेते. जनता उन्हे देखने मे लगी थी और दमनक करकट के भेजे चेले उनकी इतनी जय जयकार करते कि उन्हे लगता वो वाकई राजकुमार है और जंगल के मालिक.

लेकिन महगांई तो वाकई मे बढ चुकी थी खाने पकाने का ईधन से लेकर खाने का सामान सभी बाजार मे बहुत महंगा मिल रहा था, ऐसे मे करकट दमनक और पिंगल ने मिलकर अखबार वालो को बुला कर बताया कि जनता के पास आज बहुत पैसे है जिनकी वजह से वोह ढेरो वस्तुये खरीद रहे है महारानी के शासन मे उनका जीवन स्तर बढ गया है.

आप देखिये आज बाजार मे कोई इलेक्ट्रोनिक सामान खरीदिये हमने चीन से सस्ते सामान आयात करा दिये है, बाजार मे प्रतिस्पर्धा बढी है. लोगो को चाईनीज थाई इतेलियन खाना खाने की आदते पड गई है जिसके वजह से जंगल मे उपलब्ध देसी खाना हमने विदेशो मे बेचने वाले किसानो को सबसिडी देकर मोटी कमाई करवाई है.

देखिये शराब की बिक्री के आकडे बताते है कि जनता के पास बहुत पैसा है. हमने जो माल खुलवाये है, दुनिया भर की बडी बडी कम्पनी के जंगल मे खुले आऊट लेट बताते है कि महंगाई कही नही है. घंटॊ लाईन मे लग कर फ़िर कही अंन्दर जाने का नंबर आता है, अभी हम आपलोगो की ही मांग पर जुए के अड्डो को कानूनी रूप देने मे लगे है, और आप कहते है महंगाई बढ रही है ?

आपलोग सिर्फ़ अपना अखबार चलाने के लिये रोज गलत खबरे दे रहे है, अगर आप इस वक्त हमारा सहयोग नही करेगे तो यकीन रखियेगा हम भी पहले की तरह आपलोगो को पदमश्री वगैरा नही दे पायेगे

आप लोग ऐसा कीजीये इस वक्त हमे आपकी और आपके अखबार या चैनल को सरकारी सहायता की जरूरत है.

हर दस मिनिट बाद ये एड हर दस मिनिट मे आपके चैनल पर दिखाई देगे, लेकिन अगर अभी भी आप महंगाई का रोना जारी रखते है तो विज्ञापन को भूल ही जाईये,

आने वाले वक्त मे बच्चे से लेकर बूढे तक की जबान पर यही विज्ञापन होगा लोग महंगाई भूल चुके होगे.

बस उसी दिन से जंगल के हर बडे बच्चे के मुंह से यही निकल रहा है, "बिंदास बोल कंडोम बोल," सरकार महंगाई शब्द को ही कंडम कर चुकी है,

महारानी और राजकुमार जोश मे है, करकट दमनक और पिंगल मिलकर राजकुमार को गद्दी पर बैठाने की जोर शोर से घोषणा मे व्यस्त हैं, जंगल की जनता हमेशा की तरह त्रस्त है.

The Seven Social Evils

The seven social evils as explained by Mahatma Gandhi.

This is very deep and very profound.

a) Politics without Principals
b) Wealth without Hard Work
c) Pleasure without Wisdom
d) Knowledge without Character
e) Trade without Guidelines
f) Science without Humanity
g) Worship without Sacrifice

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Celebrating Freedom, Opposing Censorship

Celebrating Freedom, Opposing Censorship

Everybody Draw Kapil Sibal Day - 1 Jan. And please feel free to draw Smt Sonia Maino and Shri Raul Vinci.

Everybody Draw Kapil Sibal Day-1 January

          Pick up your pens and get doodling..
Our very own Kapil Sibal has called for censorship of social media - the last bastion of independent media.

Let us teach him a lesson in freedom of expression. Pick up all those discarded colouring pens and let the creativity flow.

Its time to stand up for our right to freedom of speech and expression, and at the same time, have some fun we long forgot to have since our school art class days.

Come, lets DRAW KAPIL SIBAL and show him how much we LOVE him!

Minorities in Pakistan - No public holiday for Hindus for festivals

We all know that Islam is the Religion of Piece Peace. I have heard it so many times from SRK (Shahrukh Khan), that sometimes I feel that the word non-violence did not exist on this earth until Islam was founded.

Do read about the status of Hindus and other minorities in Pakistan. And do remember that in India, Muslims are paid from tax payers money to go to Haj.

And cry, if you voted for anti-nationalists / traitors.

Source :

Minorities in Pakistan: No public holiday for Hindus for festivals

Published: March 20, 2011
Hindu devotees pray during Holi celebrations at Swami Narayan temple
in Saddar, Karachi on March 19 2011. PHOTOS BY ATHAR KHAN/EXPRESS
MULTAN:  Hindus celebrated Holi, one of the community’s most significant religious festivals on Saturday. But while ceremonies were held across the country, the vast majority of Hindus did not take leave and went about their everyday chores.

While most employers are flexible about giving leave and government employees use off-days from their quotas, private companies cut salaries of those who avail the holiday.

“Minorities should have equal rights. Those working for the government should be given special leave,” says Shakuntala, whose husband works for a government office in Multan.

According to the Pakistan Hindu Council’s statistics for 2011, over seven million Hindus live in Pakistan. The figure is almost double that of Christians in the country who enjoy a public holiday on Christmas.

Ram, who is a senior member of the community from Rahim Yar Khan, said that it was regrettable that minorities were living in fear. “Even though the constitution says so, religious minorities in the country do not enjoy the same rights as those enjoyed by the majority,” he said.

While heads of state also send out felicitation messages for Eid and Christmas, no such greetings are made for Hindu festivals.

For Eids, special monetary announcements are also made but for Hindu festivals, only the government of Punjab announced special financial relief. The provincial government has given Rs5,000 to each Hindu family living in southern Punjab, where over 150 Hindu families live. However, in Sindh, where many more Hindu households can be found, no such fiscal measure was announced.

Over 97 per cent of Pakistan’s Hindus live in Sindh and Punjab.  “We have not received any stipend or other financial assistance even though this event is an important one for the community,” said Rajeev, a young labourer from Jacobabad.

While those with jobs are able to take days off, students, especially schoolchildren, almost always have to miss out on ceremonies to attend school.

“I wasn’t able to attend the ceremony because I had to attend class. I am very upset at missing out,” said Raas Damin, a student of grade 9 in Hyderabad.
Published in The Express Tribune, March 20th, 2011.

75, 000 crore looted in CWG - Govt. saves money on blankets

The Sheila Dixit Govt. on New Delhi, a key Sonia Maino aide could spend Rs. 4, 000 for a toilet roll during CWG.

And they can't spend money on blankets for homeless during cold.

Jai Ho !!!

iconimg Thursday, December 15, 2011
Neelam Pandey, Hindustan Times
New Delhi, December 11, 2011
Homeless man at Railway Station, Delhi
Image Courtesy -
To keep the homeless warm, the Delhi government is offering them sheets of bubble wrap as “windcheaters” instead of distributing free blankets. Bubble wrap is used to pack fragile goods. According to authorities, drug addicts among the homeless sell the blankets to sustain their habit. They can’t do the same with bubble wrap.

The argument has drawn flak from NGOs that run homeless shelters in the Capital. So far, 1,500-odd bubble wrap sheets have been distributed. In the next few days, more than 10,000 sheets will be handed out.

While a sheet of bubble wrap costs about Rs25, a blanket costs anything between Rs100 and Rs150.

“The bubble wrap sheets have air pockets and act as windcheaters. It can be easily carried and is also very cheap compared to blankets,” said a spokesperson of MNGO, the distributing agency appointed by the government.

But NGOs have slammed the move. They say bubble wrap sheets will be of little help as the homeless don’t even have enough clothes to stay warm.

“It’s a bizarre idea. If the government doesn’t have the money, people in Delhi can raise resources,” said Indu Prakash Singh, adviser to an NGO dealing with urban poverty.

When HT visited places like ISBT, Chandni  Chowk, Kashmere Gate and ITO, where these sheets were being distributed, the homeless were not even willing to take them.

“It is absurd to use bubble wrap sheets as protection from the cold. Medically speaking, we have never heard of it as a replacement for blankets,” said a doctor from Max Hospital, who was unwilling to be named.

Hanging Afzal Guru - Cartoon

Hanging Afzal Guru - or the lack there of.

Cartoon courtesy -

Food security - Easy to feed poor, but not Gandhi family

Almost 50 farmers commit suicide every day - on a pan India basis - because the method of agriculture that we have been pushing - expensive seeds, expensive fertilizer, expensive pesticides, have wrecked havoc on his economics.

The solution, dear friend, is return to roots, when the farmer made sufficient to make India one of the richest countries - as late as in 18 th century.

Source Link :
Food security - Easy to feed poor, but not Gandhi family

The Union cabinet is said to have deferred consideration of the contentious Food Security Bill (FSB) because several senior ministers – Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar, among them – have questioned its viability.

Just as well. The problem is not that the poor do not deserve food security, but a harebrained scheme is not going to deliver it. The FSB, as currently conceived, is a messy compromise between what Sonia Gandhi’s NGO mob wants and what the government thinks its finances can afford.

Net result: the FSB captures the worst of both worlds. It will neither guarantee food security nor help the government keep its finances in some shape in a year the world is going downhill.

In fact, we shouldn’t  call it the Food Security Bill, but Sonia and Rahul’s Political Insecurity Bill. FSB is meant to secure the political fortunes of Sonia and Rahul Gandhi, never mind the cost. Feeding the poor is only incidental to its aims.

We shouldn't call it the Food Security Bill, but
the Gandhi family's Political Insecurity Bill.
Image Courtesy: Reuters
To satisfy the National Advisory Council crowd, the FSB seeks to cover 75 percent of rural households and 50 percent of urban ones. To satisfy the budget’s minders, it seeks to create two categories of subsidies – very high subsidies for the ultra poor (“Priority households”), and moderate subsidies for the rest (“general households”). The cost of FSB will be Rs 1,00,000 crore in subsidies - and this could be an underestimate.

Priority households will get 35 kg of coarse grains, or wheat or rice at the 1-2-3 price: coarse grains at Re 1 a kg, wheat at Rs 2 and rice at Rs 3. The non-priority beneficiaries will get the same at half the minimum support price of these grains.

The problem with 1-2-3 is that it is not as simple as A-B-C. The scheme will fail not only because it is too expensive, but because it is simply unworkable due to its complexity.

As Pratap Bhanu Mehta argues in his Indian Express column, “the more a scheme relies on complex targeting, the more likely it is to fail.”

Mehta says that the FSB “creates Orwellian categories like priority households and general category households. And it introduces new forms of differential pricing. In short, it willfully incorporates into its design three features that have made schemes in the past a failure: impractical targeting categories, administrative complexity, and incentives to game.”

In Mehta’s view, the scheme should be universalised to give it a chance of success, but his objections do not go far enough.

The more fundamental objection one should have to the FSB is to ask where it fits into the overall scheme of social safety nets for the poor. Currently, we have scores of them, all of them implemented poorly. The two most important ones are universal – the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGA, for short), and the mid-day meals scheme for school children. Then, of course, we have the current public distribution system.

Here are the questions to ask:

• Is food security about delivering subsidised grain to the poor or creating income opportunities for them and improving the public distribution system (PDS)? If we do the latter, we don’t need FSB to ensure food security.

• Is the physical delivery of grain more important than putting cash and choice in the hands of beneficiaries? Isn’t it simpler to focus on improving agricultural productivity, and let people buy what they want at reasonable prices?

• If one aim of the FSB is to deliver nutritious food to pregnant mothers and early-age children, should this not be integrated with the mid-day meal and anganwadi schemes – where cooked food is the goal? Should one create yet another system for pregnant mothers?

• Most important, why is it necessary to insure both income and food for the poor when one may do the job better? Should NREGA be streamlined and made more universal to generate year-round incomes, and perhaps include a dole, too, to become the prime safety net for the poor? There would be no need for FSB then.

• Is it sensible to proliferate schemes with similar objectives when we can improve existing ones to improve their efficiencies? If more than 40 percent of the PDS grain is pilfered or gets into the wrong hands, shouldn’t we be fixing this instead of starting yet another PDS under the name of FSB?

Sharad Pawar’s objections to FSB – that the scheme will drive up global food prices in case we need to import, that it will ultimately affect the interests of farmers, and that the subsidy scheme is fiscally unviable – are valid, but can be overcome with some planning.

But the ultimate truth is this: no government has the capability to manage so many complex schemes intelligently and efficiently.

It is a myth that organisations can target multiple objectives successfully. Just as most individuals can manage at best one or two tasks well at the same time, government can also manage only one or two things simultaneously.

The UPA government has thrown caution to the winds and is trying to do too many things without thinking about their implications and implementation. Just look at the initiative overload it has convinced itself about: after NREGA, it has legislated the Right to Education, and now is planning the Food Security Bill and universalsing health care. It is also planning to legislate tougher land acquisition and mining bills – both of which will take a huge amount of executive time – not to speak of a New Manufacturing Policy.

Quite clearly, the driving force behind all these initiatives is the political interest of the First Family – not national interest or the interests of the poor.

Proof: you cannot have long-term food security without an agricultural revolution, but the food and agricultural ministries are on opposite sides of the FSB battle.

Clearly, Sonia Gandhi’s political needs are trumping good policies. Bad politics is leading to bad economics.

The bottomline: the country has enough resources to feed the poor, but not the voracious political ambitions of the First Family.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Injustice in the Name of the Hajj

This article has been written by a Bangladeshi Muslim and capture poignantly, the dilemma faced by the poor peasant from Bangladesh, who spends his life's savings on doing Hajj.

In light of the fact that Indian Govt. spends thousands of crores of money taken from the Indian tax payers, who could not care less about the personal relgious beliefs of Muslims, this article should open some eyes.

The original article appeared in the Huson New York.

Injustice in the Name of the Hajj

by Mohshin Habib
December 7, 2011 at 4:30 am

The Hajj each year brings untold suffering for the poor Muslim families in the poor Muslim states. My country, Bangladesh, home to 170 million, was once known internationally as the poorest country in the world. It is still a poor country.

Resource - Website -
I would like to share a resource that has painstakingly documented and created an repository of resources on knowing Islam and its ideology.

Resources - Website -
is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts.  We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this religion's supremacist teachings.

We are not associated with any organization.  We do not promote any religion, but we are not hostile to religion.  We generally support the rights of atheists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, homosexuals, woman, Muslims and anyone else on the planet to live as they wish without violating the rights of others.

We strongly condemn any attempt to harm or harass any Muslim anywhere in the world because of their religion.  Every human being is entitled to be treated as an individual and judged only by his or her own words and deeds.  (see About Muslims).

We also denounce any act of vandalism against mosques or other property, including juvenile attempts to offend Muslims by desecrating copies of the Quran.  (The best way of discrediting
the Quran is to tell non-Muslims what it actually says about them).
At the same time, we see no use in pretending that Islam is just another religion - which always seems to be the assumption of those who prefer not to look too closely. 

In fact, Islam is dreadfully unique. 

What other religion's most devoted members videotape themselves cutting people's throats while screaming praises to their god?

What other faith has tens of thousands of terrorists across the globe united by an explicit commitment to advance the cause of their religion by pursuing horrific mass murder and mutilation?

What other religion has clerics lauded as 'moderates', 'bridge-builders', and advocates of 'peace and tolerance' who, at best cannot even bring themselves to condemn suicide bombers or denounce Islamist terror organizations, or at worst actually support terrorism, wife-beating, female genital mutilation and justify the killing of apostates and homosexuals?

What other religion kills innocent people over cartoons and teddy bears, and murders humanitarian workers of other faiths who are merely trying to help them?
What other religion actually celebrated the 9/11 attacks, described the carnage as "one of the miracles of the Quran" and proclaimed it to be "God's work against oppressors"? 

What other religion childishly brags about its growth while at the same time openly denies other religions equal opportunity to evangelize - and even endorses killing those who leave?

What other religion has prominent PR organizations and charities so closely tied to terrorism - organizations like CAIR, which whine about dress codes and rubber ducks in the West while ignoring the Jihad genocide of thousands in Darfur?

What other religion has verses in its holy book that remind men of their divine permission to beat their wives and rape their slaves?

The list could go on (and does - each day on  Islam so routinely produces horrible atrocities in the name of Allah that no one is all that surprised when...

Adults are tied to a tree or planted in the ground and bludgeoned to death by fundamentalists for engaging in consensual sex...

A New York woman trying to file for divorce is beheaded by her husband, who also happens to be the founder of a Muslim-American TV channel dedicated to combating "misconceptions" and "stereotypes" about Islam...

Religious leaders are charged by authorities with plotting spectacular acts of mass murder in the name of their god...

Clerics advocate raping virgins prior to executing them for verbal crimes and political dissent...

Pollsters admit that about 1 out of 3 Muslims worldwide (450 million) view the terrorism of 9/11 as justified...

A Christian is murdered in front of his own family for leaving Islam, and his children then kidnapped and 'conscripted' by his killers...

Muslims express no outrage when an admitted terrorist is assigned by a government to oversee "Islamic Affairs", nor even when unrepentant child killers are invited to make the holy pilgrimage with VIP treatment.

80% of all federal terror prosecutions involve a religion that is practiced by only 1% of all Americans...

How shocking any of this would be if it didn't involve the Islamic religion.  As it is, most of it barely registers in the media.  The very fact that the bar of expectation is set so low for "the Religion of Peace" underscores just how different it really is from others.

In fact, Islam is more than a religion.  It is a rigid political and cultural system with a mandate to conquer and govern the lives of others via necessary force "until religion is only for Allah."  Violence is sanctioned by the Quran since, as the Ayatollah Khomeini bluntly put it, "people cannot be made obedient except with the sword."

Thus, the enemy of this orthodoxy is not just intellectual dissent and free speech, but human freedom.  The divine charter of Islam is to impose itself and thus prevent the individual from discovering a different meaning for their own lives. 

Islam breeds arrogance and self-absorption, which accounts for the collective petulance and perpetual grievance characterizing Muslim populations in general - along with the astonishing unwillingness to extend equal moral consideration to those outside the religion.

This disregard for others is rooted in the supremacist ideology of the Quran and Islamic law, which unashamedly draws the sharpest distinction between those within the group of believers and those without - towards whom arbitrary denigration is cast and hatred, harsh treatment and eternal punishment is prescribed.

As a consequence, not a day goes by without someone, somewhere in the world being horribly murdered by devout Muslims in the name of this religion - over ten thousand persons each year.  More innocent lives were taken in two hours by devoted Muslims on 9/11 than by the Ku Klux Klan in its entire 140-year history.  

Where Islam dominates, there is systematic discrimination and oppression of those of other faiths.  Where Muslims are a minority, there is peevish self-interest, disloyalty and eventual rebellion and terror when demands for special privilege and entitlements are not met - all part of the eternal jihad to bring about the rule of Islam as Muhammad ordered of true believers.

It isn't the victims who need lessons in tolerance and understanding - it is the Islamic world. 

Those willing to open their minds will find that, regardless of the excuse-du-jour, the remarkably wide-spread level of narcissism, repression and violence is deeply ingrained in the teachings, double standards and early history of the Islamic religion. 

While there is not a single verse in the Quran that commands love for those outside Islam, there are over 493 that either promote violence or speak of Allah's hatred for unbelievers - in a book that is largely about how to think of and deal harshly with those outside the "true" faith.

Why rely on rosy platitudes and carefully-edited fragments of Quran verses from apologists when Islam speaks so well for itself?  Beyond the whitewashing are obvious reasons why so many devotees do horrible things in the name of Allah, while most of the rest never seem to get terribly upset by it - busy as they are throwing tantrums and demanding for themselves what they explicitly deny others.

How much favor are we really doing Muslims by not challenging them to the sort of self-critique necessary for moral progress?  How much favor are we doing ourselves by desperately trying to accommodate that which has no intention of accommodating us, or by continuing to sacrifice blood and budgets for those who hate us in return?  Is it really in our best interests to assist the expansion within our own borders of a religion that is consistently incapable of building countries in which even Muslims themselves want to live?

Tolerance is a good thing, but not when we allow it to be used cynically against us by those who have no use for it once they obtain power.  We need to back away from the altar of political correctness and throw out our preconceptions.  We need to rediscover critical thinking.   

The truth is that Islam is not a religion of peace and it is not like other religion.  Sometimes the truth isn't comfortable.  Sometimes the truth offends.  But it is far better that we offend others than lose our own freedom.

See also:

Sunday 11 December 2011

Welcome to the "Idam Rashtraya Idam Na Mam" blog

II Shree Ganeshaya Namah II

May this site serve as a resource for nationalist brothers and sisters.

We are looking for other people to collaborate / contribute.
Please feel free to send us requests by filling the form Join Us

Thursday 16 June 2011

मथुरा में हिंदू-मुस्लिम दंगे

मथुरा में हिंदू-मुस्लिम दंगे 

कल मथुरा-दिल्ली हाईवे स्थित कोसीकलां कस्बे में सराय मोहल्ला में दोपहर दो बजे एक पानी का टैंकर आया था।

बाजार में खड़े इस टैंकर से मुस्लिम परिवार पानी भर रहे थे। इसी बीच निकट खड़े एक हिन्दू युवक द्वारा हाथ धोने के कारण पानी के कुछ छींटे उनके बर्तन पर जा गिरे। हालांकि उस व्यक्ति ने इसके लिए तत्काल ही माफी मांग ली, लेकिन कुछ लोगों ने उस व्यक्ति के साथ मारपीट शुरू कर दी।
अकेले व्यक्ति की पिटाई होती देख कुछ लोगों ने उसे बचाने का प्रयास किया तो स्थिति बिगड़ गई। कुछ मुस्लिम युवकों ने बाजार में पथराव शुरू कर दिया, जिससे भगदड़ मच गई।

जिससे पूरे क्षेत्र में दंगा होने की अफवाह फैल गई, इसी दौरान नमाज खत्म होने पर भीड़ निकली तो मामला बेकाबू हो गया। सड़क पर खड़े वाहनों में आगजनी करते हुए खुले आम फायरिंग की गई। देशी बम फेंककर भी आग लगाने का प्रयास हुआ। सड़क पर जो भी मिला, मुस्लिम युवक उसे अपना निशाना बनाते रहे। एक युवक सोनू पुत्र मंगल [24] निवासी तालाब शाही की गोली लगने से मौत हुई है।

थोड़ी ही देर में यह चिंगारी निकासा और बल्देवगंज इलाकों तक पहुंच गयी। बल्देव गंज में तो उपद्रवी एक बैंक में घुस गए, जिससे वहां मौजूद ग्राहक और कर्मचारी दहशत में आ गए। सूचना मिलने पर पुलिस पहुंची, लेकिन उपद्रवियों ने उसे खदेड़ दिया।

इंदरगंज में एक मकान में घुसकर महिलाओं से अभद्रता की गई। बलदेवगंज चौराहा स्थित एक घर में मिट्टी का तेल छिड़क कर आग लगा दी। यहां फंसे महिला और बच्चे को सीओ एवं नौजवानों ने बाहर निकाला। बलवाइयों ने पुरानी जीटी रोड पर भी आगजनी की।

बतासा बाजार में कई दुकानों को आग के हवाले कर दिया। दंगे की खबर देहात में फैलते ही हजारों की संख्या में हथियारबंद दूसरे पक्ष के लोगों ने नगर को घेर लिया। दंगाइयों ने आगरा की ओर जाती गाड़ियों में भी तोड़फोड़ और पर्यटकों से लूटपाट की. पुराने जीटी रोड पर दोनों पक्षों में जमकर पथराव और खुलेआम फायरिंग हुई।

भीड़ ने हिन्दुओं के मकानों और दुकानों को चुन-चुनकर आग के हवाले कर दिया और लूटपाट भी मचाई। कर्फ्यू का ऐलान होते ही पुलिस ने दंगाइयों को खदेड़ना शुरू कर दिया।

इसके बाद पीएसी पहुंची और बवालियों को नियंत्रित करने में जुटी। शाम तक कस्बे में स्थिति बेकाबू थी। उपद्रवी पथराव और फायरिंग करते हुए दहशत फैलाने में जुटे थे। जबकि दूसरी तरफ पुलिस और पीएसी के जवान मोर्चा संभाले हुए थे। बवाल में करीब एक दर्जन से अधिक लोगघायल हुए हैं। डीएम संजय कुमार ने रात्रि 9 बजे बताया कि कस्बे में क‌र्फ्यू लगा दिया गया है।